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UE4 Blueprints

AI Village Simulation

This blueprint controls a single AI unit and outlines the logic for where the AI should go and what actions to perform. The blueprint handles various stats which can be called on via other blueprints for things such as UI. The main focus was to create a simulation that seemed "alive" in a sense of imitating a village scene.

Sun and Rain switching

This blueprint switches between a sunny environment and one with dark clouds and rain particles. It's set up with timelines and lerps between two values. The idea behind this was to have the weather switch depending on whether or not the player activated a perspective puzzle for long enough.

Turret Blueprint

For our project Out of Time every bit of code was done in blueprints. The main code was getting turrets to operate as defensive structures. An example is provided in this video.

All of the towers were based on a single parent blueprint maintaining a lot of key features. Seperate children were created in order to make the towers unique without creating three seperate blueprints and duplicating code.

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